Annual benefit statements
Production of 2024 annual benefit statements has begun and you'll be notified when your statement is ready to view on My Pension. We're currently only producing statements for members that are out of scope for Remedy.
To help you understand your ABS please read the following notes alongside your statement.
- If you have both FPS 2015 and FPS 2006 membership read these notes
- If you have FPS 2015 membership only only read these notes
This year’s annual benefit statement provides an estimate of your pension benefits built up in your current scheme using membership to 31 March 2024.
Sargeant Remedy: In-scope members
During the summer we wrote to firefighters to explain that we would try to produce statements by 31 December. Unfortunately, that will not be possible due to further delays updating our systems. On a positive note, we have now received all the required system updates and working through our internal testing routines before applying the updates to live records from January.
We anticipate you should receive your ABS (including your Remedial Service Statement (RSS)) by 31 March statutory deadline.
For more information about Remedy see our Remedy page here.