Internal dispute resolution procedure
Think something isn’t right about your pension or unhappy about a decision? Always contact us or your fire authority to discuss it. Most issues can be resolved informally which is usually the quickest solution.
If that hasn’t resolved your issue then you may choose to consider the Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure (IDRP). This is the formal procedure set out in the scheme rules which is available to all scheme members, beneficiaries and representatives.
It’s a two stage process which is started by contacting your fire authority who will give you an IDRP Guide and Application Form. You can download an example of this form below.
Original 2009 FPS IDRP Guide (archived)
Example Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure guide and application
Other organisations who can help
If you need help with your pension and we’ve not been able to help you can contact the Governments new Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) called MoneyHelper.
Visit their website at where you can get more information.
You can also contact them Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on 0800 011 3797.
The Pensions Ombudsman
At any time if you are having difficulties sorting out your complaint, you may wish to contact The Pensions Ombudsman’s early resolution team.
The early resolution team can provide free advice and information to explain your rights and responsibilities. To get information or guidance, you can look at the website on or you can contact The Pensions Ombudsman by phone, post or email.
The Pensions Helpline freephone number is 0800 917 4487.
Lines are staffed Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Outside of these times, you can leave your number and someone will phone you back later.
You can also write to:
The Pensions Ombudsman
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 4PU
More information
For more information about help with pension problems please visit the national FPS Member website. Here you’ll find links to further guidance and factsheets from the Pension Ombudsman along with other useful links.