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Preparing for year end (including valuation year)

Employer webcasts

This next season of training will provide you with the information and support needed for the year end and will look at the different pay elements we require to calculate members benefits, including examples of calculations.

Also, in this season we will look at what extra steps happen in this upcoming valuation year and the importance of your data.

Webinars this season include:

  • Understanding cumulative pensionable pay (CPP)
  • Assumed pensionable pay (APP)
  • Understanding final pay
  • Completing your March return: steps to success
  • The importance of data for valuation and The Pensions Dashboard

The sessions have been scheduled for Tuesdays at 10.00 am or Thursdays at 2.00 pm from 28 January 2025 to 3 April 2025.

Each webinar will last between 30 – 45 minutes and you will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout.

Click here to book your place

We look forward to seeing you at one of our webinars soon!

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Previous webcasts

The new process - MC3

MC3 file upload

MC3 full demo

LGPS employer discretions (2021)

Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure

Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP)