The LGPS is one of the largest pension schemes in the UK. It's a defined benefit 'career average' pension scheme which means your pension is based on your salary and how long you pay in.
What’s a pension account?
You have a pension account for each job that has pension deductions taken from it. If you have more than one job, you’ll have a separate pension account for each job.
Your pension account shows the pension you’ve built up in that job.
In a career average scheme like this one, your pension is worked out based on your pensionable pay in each 'scheme year', which runs from April to April. At the end of the scheme year, the pension you've earned for that year is added to the total pension you've already built up in your pension account.
To make sure it keeps its value, the total pension in your pension account is then adjusted, or 'revalued', in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI).
To learn more about how pension accounts work, try this interactive Pension Account Modeller (external link).
Your pension scheme at a glance
- A build-up rate of 1/49 of your pay a year
- Pensions revalued yearly by treasury order
- A build-up rate for survivor benefits of 1/160
- Pensions in payment are protected against inflation
- Your actual pay, including overtime and additional hours if you’re part time, counts towards your pension
- You can temporarily pay 50% contributions for 50% pension
- Your normal pension age is the same as your state pension age
- You can choose to retire from age 55
- You can trade pension for lump sum when you retire and get £12 lump sum for every £1 pension you trade
- We pay a death grant of at least three times your pensionable pay if you die while you're paying into the scheme
- Ill health pensions are enhanced based on a tier system:
- Tier 1 - enhancement to normal pension age, or
- Tier 2 - 25% enhancement to normal pension age, or
- Tier 3 - temporary payment of pension for up to three years
- You will be entitled to a pension after paying in for two years
- You can pay into the scheme up to age 75
Changes to retirement ages
The government has said that the earliest age you can start receiving your pension will increase from age 55 to 57 from 6 April 2028. We don't yet know exactly how this change will be implemented in the LGPS. The change won't apply to ill-health retirements.