The LGPS has a minimum 'vesting period' of two years. This means that if you have less than two years of membership, you don't qualify to receive a pension or deferred benefits and will get a refund of your contributions instead.
You meet the two-year vesting period if
- you've been a member of the LGPS (in England or Wales - this doesn't apply in Scotland) for two years, or
- you transferred pension into the LGPS from another occupational pension scheme or from a European pensions institution, and
- you had two or more years membership in that scheme or institution, or
- your membership in that scheme or institution when added to your LGPS membership totals two or more years, or
- you already have deferred benefits or are getting an LGPS pension in England or Wales (other than a survivor pension or pension credit member pension).
Those who meet the vesting period can find out more about deferred benefits here and claiming a pension or retiring here.