LGPS top 10
The LGPS is one of the largest pension schemes in the UK. It's a defined benefit 'career average' pension scheme which means your pension is based on your salary and how long you pay in.
If you're not currently a member of the scheme speak to your employer to see if you're eligible to join.
- A guaranteed pension for life that goes up every year in line with the cost of living
- Pension benefits unaffected by share prices or the stock market
- Get more pension by paying extra
- Tax relief on your pension contributions saves you money, plus your employer pays in too
- No hidden fees or charges
- Swap some of your pension for a tax-free lump sum when you retire
- A pension at any age if you become too ill to work
- Retire and claim your pension from age 55
- A lump-sum death grant if you die of at least three times your pay – and you get to choose who it goes to
- A pension for your spouse, civil partner, eligible cohabiting partner and your eligible children if you die
Pensions made simple