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LGPS top 10

The LGPS is one of the largest pension schemes in the UK. It's a defined benefit 'career average' pension scheme which means your pension is based on your salary and how long you pay in. 

If you're not currently a member of the scheme speak to your employer to see if you're eligible to join. 

  1. A guaranteed pension for life that goes up every year in line with the cost of living
  2. Pension benefits unaffected by share prices or the stock market
  3. Get more pension by paying extra
  4. Tax relief on your pension contributions saves you money, plus your employer pays in too
  5. No hidden fees or charges
  6. Swap some of your pension for a tax-free lump sum when you retire
  7. A pension at any age if you become too ill to work
  8. Retire and claim your pension from age 55
  9. A lump-sum death grant if you die of at least three times your pay – and you get to choose who it goes to
  10. A pension for your spouse, civil partner, eligible cohabiting partner and your eligible children if you die

Pensions made simple

LGPS member videos

What is a pension

How your pension works

Looking after your pension

Protection for your family

Life after work

Your annual allowance

Transferring your pension